Today is the first book day - I hope that this helps people find a new{to them} book. By providing images I hope that you get an idea of the content of the book and if it appeals to you. Hopefully knowing what the cover looks like will make it easier for you to find it at that next library book sale or trip to the thrift store!
{With that said I feel I should remind everyone that these books are copyrighted and that I am not providing them for anything but reference. You should use good judgment and keep the law in mind.}
I couldn’t decide between a children’s book and a craft book so I’m doing both.

Title: Better Homes & Gardens Stitchery and Crafts
Author: Meredith Corporation
Copyright: 1966 {mine is the third printing - 1972}
STITCHERY: felt rugs, hooking rugs, hooking in a hurry, new designs for bedrooms, quilting ideas, knitting projects, crocheting, appliquéing, weaving, designs for use outdoors, crewel and teneriffe, hand embroidery, wall hangings and new samplers.
CRAFTS: collages, paper crafts, felt trims, origami, crayon crafts, plaques, metal crafts, mosaics, painting on cement, paper trays, plastics in oven, nature crafts, rope tricks, stenciling, silk screening, ideas for modeling, printing, working with wood, crafts for use in the home.
BAZAAR BEST SELLERS: hot dish holders, pillows, desk accessories, closet trims, dolls, bookmarks, beanbags, ponchos, hats, bags, gloves, toy animals to make, piñatas, gifts for children, new games to construct, place mats and aprons, trims for women’s dresses, sewing for little girls and babies.
DETAILED DIRECTIONS: complete guide to unusual stitchery projects, patterns for bedspread, felt fug patterns, quilted directions, ideas on crocheting, knitting instructions, machine appliquéing, sunny stitching, crewel, teneriffe and embroidery, mosaics and framing.
I think this is the first vintage craft book I ever purchased. I don’t see a price but I imagine it was probably around $2. I love the styling of the crafts - it’s amazing to me how relevant it seems even now:

Title: The Golden Treasury of Myths and Legends
Author: Golden Press / Adapted by Anne Terry White
Illustrator{s}: Alice & Martin Provensen
Copyright: 1959
Gods and Heroes
Prometheus Steals Fire from Heaven
A Miracle on Mont Parnassus
Phaeton and the Horses of the Sun
The Bride of Pluto
Echo and Narcissus
Orpheus and Eurydice
The Gorgon’s Head
The Golden Fleece
Theseus and The Minotaur
The Battle of Roncevaux
Tristram and Iseult
Rustem and Sohrab
Sigurd of the Volsungs

We bought this 3 or 4 years ago on eBay, so we paid a premium, but I’m glad we got it because I’ve never come across another in my thrifting travels. This was a case where we both fell in love with a book and I was able to spend a little more because “the guy” got into it and wanted to win it too!
Here are some of my favorite images:

I have to say that looking at this again after not picking it up for about a year I’m once again just floored by the genius that is the Provensens!
I hope you’ll join me here tomorrow for an embroidery post – I will be showing something I made for my mom & an example of one of my vintage transfers with one sample image.
i found you via feeling stitchy. you need to start and etsy shop for all the beautiful things you make :)
I love the blue tree thing.
I love that round rug with elephants and other animals! I`d like to have one for my son :)It`d fit perfectly to his yellow room!
Thanks for inspiration!
Thanks so much for posting the info on this mythology book! I remembered this book as I checked it out many times from the library when i was a child, and recently I've tried to find it but I didn't have any info on the book, such as the title, author, etc...only memories of the illustrations and content. I've been searching a long time on the web and finally through google i stumbled upon this page. Brings back so many memories. Thanks!
very nice post thanks >>>>>>>>>>>
Jogo Mario Bros Motobike 3
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