Aww. I have lovely memories of these too. My Pop (grandpa) used to own a dozen or so hobby horses. When my dad was younger, he would go around town (Austin) and collect all the coins from them. When my Pop got older, he sold them all. All but one. She was brown and she was kept on the side porch of their home in the hill country. Her name was (also) Sandy. :) I feel very lucky now.
what a sweet story modernmaam - it's funny how some things seem so ordinary when we're younger & it's not until we're older that we appreciate they were actually very unique experiences that not everyone was lucky enough to enjoy :)
I'm a full-time graphic designer who likes to thrift, craft & take photos in my spare time.
{Please don't use any photos or written content without my permission...thanks!}
Aww. I have lovely memories of these too. My Pop (grandpa) used to own a dozen or so hobby horses. When my dad was younger, he would go around town (Austin) and collect all the coins from them. When my Pop got older, he sold them all. All but one. She was brown and she was kept on the side porch of their home in the hill country. Her name was (also) Sandy. :)
I feel very lucky now.
what a sweet story modernmaam - it's funny how some things seem so ordinary when we're younger & it's not until we're older that we appreciate they were actually very unique experiences that not everyone was lucky enough to enjoy :)
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