jan. 2nd marked the start of my third year blogging. I kind of can't believe I've stuck with it & I really can't believe so many nice people come here to visit!
so, in honor of this occasion I'd like to giveaway this camera bag:

well, it's not technically a camera bag so much as a tote bag with my photo of a camera transferred onto it...you can put anything you'd like inside :)
to enter just leave a comment here before this thurs. {the 28th} at 6pm CST - then I'll announce the winner on friday.
p.s. if you really want a tote but don't win, or if you'd like a different doe-c-doe photo on a tote I've added a listing for custom totes in the shop!
This is absolutely awesome!
I always wanted one of these cameras as a kid. Nice tote baby!
I have been a lurker for a few months. I am also a die-hard thrift store shopper. Because of your blog the way I look at merchandise has changed! Shopping is more fun.
wonderful tote! (and wonderful blog..been reading for a while now). Thanks for the chance!
That is so nice of you! Very glad you have stuck with the blog; it's one of my most favorites. When my friends and I are out thrifting, we'll often say, "oh, that's so doe-c-doe!"
Love this. It's so much cooler than my current tote. Yes, please! :)
I'm glad you've stuck around. You're always inspiring.
So cute, i love it! My mom takes her 5 nieces & nephews to the library every thursday & this would be a perfect tote for that adventure!
So cute! Would be a great gift for my photographer friend!
Oh, I just love it!! (It's my bloggy anniversary, too -- YIPPEE!)
I love your photos of thrifted items. There are a couple I've had my eye on for months now. I'll have to drop a hint to my husband for my birthday this year....
You have got THE RADAR for finding the good stuff!
Congrats on the 3 year mark! I've been an avid reader since I had the good fortune to find this blog and love every post :)
Oh, what a great tote... Happy Blogaversary....I love reading you ...
Oh my. I heart!
rhubarbsky at gmail dot com
Congratulations on your 3rd year of inspiring us! Many more to come, i hope!
Very adorable camera bag! Thanks for the opportunity to win. Good luck everyone!!
Cute bag! I'm so glad you persevered in the blogosphere. I read your blog almost daily!
Congrats on sticking with the blog. I always enjoy your posts and patterns. Nice camera bag, or is it a camera-picture bag?
Thank you.
Very cool! I would love to win this tote and happy blogoversary!
I like your blog and visit it a lot. The bag is cute!!!
love your blog and love this tote bag! thanks for such a great giveaway.
I love that tote! Happy blogaversary!
Super cute tote! Congratulations on your blogaversary :)
great work! Congrats on 3 years.
Happy Blogaversary! :)
I don't comment here much, but I'm always excited to see a post from you in my feed. I love your photos and your aesthetic, especially on these dreary wet northern California winter days. And what a cute bag!!
I love that photo I remember playing with that camera as a child. Oh the memories.
So very cute! Sign me up. Congrats on your blog!
The transfer looks fabulous! I love your blog--it's very inspiring.
Congratulations! 3 years!
Such a cute bag! Happy Blogversary!
So cute! I love your blog. I am pretty sure i had one of the cameras as a kid!
Too cute!! I had one of those cameras as a kid and wish I still had it. Thanks for continuing to supply us with cute things and as a past customer on etsy I know that it is up to your usual cute standard!
I love your tote - adorable! Congratulations on the blog-aversary. I've been reading for just about the whole time, and I remember how much your comments meant to me when I was just getting my blog off the ground. Here's to a fantastic year three!
congrats on your blog-anniversary
Happy Birthday! Your blog, and your work, is truly super duper fabulous.
Happy Bloggie Birthday! great tote!
Happy Blogoversary! Thanks for sharing all your pretty things!!
Thanks for the blog and congrats on the anniversary! I love the tote!!
Here's to year 3!
Love your shop, love your blog and would LOVE to win this tote!
Entirely magnificent -- your blog, your anniversary, AND the camera bag!
3 years and i bet it only feels like yesterday. i love your photos and wish i was as good at taking photos!
you're blog is so inspiring...congrats on the anniversary!
Very sweet! Thanks for the opportunity. :)
Love love love!
Thanks for the opportunity, what a fun tote to carry my stuff!
Congratulations on your anniversary and thanks for sharing all that you do!
Oh, do pick me ... pretty please????
I've only recently begun following your blog, though I've been into vintage embroidery and thrifting for quite awhile.
And the tote bag is totally cute! (er ... excuse the pun..)
I'd LOVE to win!
Happy Anniversary!
I LOVE your blog!
Love your tote and your blog - fingers are crossed.
Congrats on the anniversary!! 3 years is a long time!!
I've trawled through your Flickr, now I'll have to work my way through your blog. cute bag.
So cute! Happy 3rd! :-)
I adore this bag. And the camera photo. And the camera photo on the bag. I adore it all!
three years! thats super fantastic, congratulations. the bag is wonderful!
so cute!
Congrats ..
very nice bag..
Awesome! such a cool idea :D happy three years too
Awesome bag!
Happy 3rd!!!! Congrats! I remember a camera like this one that the neighbor kid had. I coveted then as I do today!
Happy Anniversary!
I love your photos & since I also love cameras, this tote would be perfect!
Thanks for continuing to publish your beautiful photos
i love this tote! i also really love your blog. i check in almost every day. :)
That is one of my favorite photos in your collection! Your blog is on my favorites and get your updates all the time :D
Jo Lynn
I love all the great finds you find. I miss my thrifting days but trying to thrift with three kids is not exactly fun. Thanks for sharing all the great things you find and create.
Congrats on 3 years! Very cute tote!
Happy Blogaversary!~ Here's to three more great years! I love all the fun things you post, you always inspire me!
Congratulations. Yours and my daughters are the only blogs I read every day. Love your stuff.
happy blog-versary! that bag must be mine.
Congrats on your blog-versary! And thanks for the fun giveaway. :)
I really love your blog. When I need a break in my day I always go to your blog for the pictures, projects and comments. You also have the best links to craft blogs. Keep up the good work.
this one of my favorite blogs. you've got a great thrift shop eye and mysterious embroidery techniques (how do you keep the edges from fraying on the fabrics you layer??). i look forward to many more years of reading your blog!
Love it...It's perfect for my photographer best friend!
i love my doe-c-doe "i heart cross-stitch" bag and use it every day. i wouldn't mind having a second doe-c-doe tote. ;) happy anniversary!
uuuuuh this is awesome :D
how adorable is this!?? I too, wanted one of these cameras as a kid!
I love your blog! You were one of the first I started to follow! Thanks for the inspiration!
Very cute, G! I can't believe it's been 3 years! Here's to at least 3 more. ;)
This is an adorable bag. Your blog was one of the first I followed, but I don't know if I have ever commented,
if not, I will tell you now that I absolutely love your blog, lots of luck in the future!
Happy three years! I always love coming here, you always have something interesting and fun!
Cute tote bag too! Thanks for the fun giveaway!
This tote is so neat. I love your site there is always fun cute things that give me such great ideas. Hope to see you blogging for years to come.
love love love the tote. And I've had my eye on your embroidered paint-by-numbers as well.
my comment is. . . this bag is the CAT'S PAJAMA'S!!!
love it love it love it!
happy third year!
glad you are here :)
Love this tote. The picture itself makes me smile.
Egads! What a freakin' cute bag!
Your blog is so inspiring!
I have had your blog bookmarked for quite a long time, yours is a "go-to" for me at least three or four times a week! Because of your generosity in sharing patterns, I have embroidered quite a few tea towels, and for that I say "Thank You" for three years of blogging! You are truly an inspiration!
Happy blogiversary! I love the tote bag and ALL your amazing photos.
Oh my gosh! This is the cutest. :)
totally love it!!!!!!!
My favorite print of yours! I love your blog, and I hope you and your blog and your shop are here for three more years and beyond!
Wonderful! I love my sewing machine picture. Can't wait to hang it in my sewing room! Great colors!
Very cool! I started reading your blog a few months ago - I love it. My daugter's name is Tuesday so I love when you post cool days of the week transfers and things.
What a cute bag! Thanks for a great giveaway!
Love the bag!
I was in Target the other day and noticed they now have a lot of the old Fisher-Price toys from when I was a kid...remember the phone? And there was that wind up TV screen thingy...if they had had the camera I would have bought it, even though it's new and not really vintage.
Love your blog (and your photos!!)...your sheep print and camper print are hanging in my bathroom!
Thanks - Carol
I love the look of your bag, and your blog is awesome!
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