bottle cap ornaments:

cardboard tube puppets:

q-tip bearded santa:

well okay, recycling used q-tips for this santa is probably not a good idea - saving them to use after the holidays is probably the better way to go...but you probably already knew that & it was just me who got all gross about it :)
{all images copyright 1959 by whitestone publications from the how-to christmas book no. 2}

one more thing...I need a favor. our loveable lug-of-a-dog is having surgery for a torn ligament in his leg today so if everyone could please send some good wishes & positive energy thoughts his & his surgeon's way we would really appreciate it :)
Thank you for sharing those wonderful images. I love the bottle cap alien (and I hate bottle cap crafts!)
Much love and well-wishes to your beloved pooch.
great eye candy! i am loving "vintage craft magazine month!"
awwwww, poor doggy! i hope everything goes well!
Best wishes and a speedy recovery to your pup! And yeah, the Q-tip thing grossed me out too!
Oh dear! We went through that with our dog, too! A year after surgery, she tore the ACL in her other back leg. That time we opted to let it heal naturally and she did fine. It's a LONG recovery either way. If your dog likes bones, we used frozen marrow bones from the grocery store because it takes them a long time to eat and occupies them during the recovery.
Cute crafts - I needed those ideas when I lead girl scouts.
Hugs to your pooch, our old husky had the surgery. All went well, it was easy to keep her down after because she was older. Good vibes being sent out from me and my Jack Russell, Jake.
These vintage crafts are fantastic! And much love to your pooch! Steady hands wishes to the surgeon!
Thank you for sharing these cute crafts. I definately send good wished to your lovable pup and I hope it all turns out well.
Oh no! Sending MANY positive thoughts your way for your moustachio'd doggie. Two of our favorite hard-playing dogpark friends have been through torn ligament injuries this year and with much patience and attentive care, have made full recoveries.
Good luck and keep us posted.
Still trying to wrap my head around those fruit covered doors from yesterday. So fab...
Fruit covered doors! My dreams have come true lol. The owls are very very sweet though, funny how cool they appear now, ten years ago I would have laughed my socks off at them and the fruit door. Now? Its so kitsch its amazing.
Big slobbery kisses for the Pooch, hope he feels better soon.
Poor pup! Hoping for a smooth recovery.
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