I'd also like to welcome new visitors who have come via how about orange, craft, inner circle or any of the other nice people who blogged about the tags - hi!
since I don't have any of my own embroidery to share with you this week {hopefully next week though} I thought I'd post these photos from a 1975 coats & clark pamphlet I thrifted recently as a little inspiration:

and finally, here's your vintage embroidery sample for this week:

happy stitching!
I have arrived from Craft. Thank you for sharing the button tags. Too cute! I just bought some vintage ones last weekend.
Is the duck a free download?
Oh wow, the red and green outfit is to die for. Love it!
Also, the duck is adorable. I'm guessing he's so annoyed because stitching with wings is incredibly difficult (or so I would imagine). I make that face when I'm forced to rip stitches out.
hi kim - so glad you stopped by! yes - the duck is a free pattern, but its not a download...just click on the image to open it full size then right mouse click & save it to your desktop. or you can go to flickr & download it there using the all sizes button. hope that helps :)
I make that face when I rip out stitches too alli!
Wow! The top picture reminds me of a young Tom Jones! Cool pictures! Thanks for the cute little ducky!
Hi, I arrived from How About Orange and I love your blog. It's a really nice idea to offer the pdf's for personal use, I have some great old children's books and I'm thinking maybe I can do something with those for people to use. I love sharing this stuff!
Oh, would you consider adding the "follower" widget to your sidebar so we can all follow you more easily?
Come visit me, I give stuff away on Mondays. And thanks for the button tags. I also downloaded the bookplates, love those! :)
Hi, I arrived from Craft and I just love your blog! Isn't it funny how women could still wear those embroidered shirts, but if I saw a man wearing a shirt like that I would run away giggling like a little girl....
i love the embroidery ads!
does anyone else think that the very first guy looks *exactly* like Gordon Lightfoot!?!
I remember these clothes! (ahem...I'm dating myself here). I love the top photo as it reminds me of young Paul Newman. I know someone else said Tom Jones, but I see Cool Hand Luke in those eyes and mouth. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend!
That's one cranky duck!
The guy in the pastel floral embroidery is hot. They remind me of the embroidery my mother used to do on my denim in the 70s...wish I still had it.
Hee hee, I remember those clothes too - yikes!
I thought young Mac Davis when I saw that feller!
Thanks for the precious duckie. Same face here when I mess up.
Thanks for the cute duck pattern.
I stitched it for an eyeglass case.
How cute, thanks for sharing. :)
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