as a graphic designer I have benefited from the copyright laws throughout my professional life; whether it was during the time we had our own business & copyrighted our original designs or through the company's I have worked for, which are able to continue to do business in part due to the laws that protect their products. Plaid has every right to protect whatever copyright or trademarks they own & I won't begrudge them that. having said that, I do think its possible for them to enforce their rights without bullying & hope that is the road they choose to take.
until we know more I'm going to keep my Vogart images on Flickr locked down. on thursdays I'll continue to post embroidery patterns but they will probably be mostly workbasket or coloring books. and of course, if I hear about any updates I'll let you know.
on a side note:
I'm starting to work on embroidered xmas gifts...well, its more starting to think about them than actually work on them {if I'm completely honest with myself & you}. anyhow, I was thinking it might be fun to start a xmas feature here on the blog. I've got lots of vintage xmas craft magazines, a couple coloring books & some craft books I would share. to gauge your feelings I've installed a poll, which will be up till saturday at midnight. I hope you'll take time to register your opinion...
I almost forgot, its fabric tuesday:

It's good to know that I'm not the only one who is already thinking about Christmas! I have my list of things to make (mostly) complete, and plan to get started in the next few weeks. Crafters need to get going early on Christmas!
I started making stuff last month... a little early.... but I normally am stitching the night before cussing at my laziness !
I would love to see your Christmas embroidery ideas. I'm always looking for inspiration.
I have just recently found your blog and I'm enjoying it very much. I have already started my Christmas projects so any inspiration will be very welcome.
I love the Christmas project idea. I'm also at the 'thinking about it but haven't started yet' phase. :)
please, the more nudges I get to start my Christmas crafting, the better!
Bring on the Christmas! I would love to see all your vintage ephemera stash. Thanks for all you post - I love your blog.
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