I’ve created criteria for which sales I will go to {drastically reducing the amount of sales I go to} and when I do go I’m asking myself more questions about the items I want to buy. Restraint is my new mantra..
This new structure has only been in place for two weekends but already I see a difference & feel good about the progress I’m making {I’m also not allowed to go to the thrift store at all!}. The next step in my thrifting intervention program is to start getting rid of things…I’ll start on that next weekend.
With that said, here’s what I got this weekend. Now it may not appear like I practiced what I just preached but trust me, there could have been much, much more!
I’ve been looking for a pair of paint by number horses & these were exactly what I wanted {$12/pair}:

4 large ziplock bags of embroidery transfers! {75 cents a bag}:

Here’s an example of my new restraint program; I picked up about 5 crewel kits in my first pass through an estate sale, but then put back 4 and just bought the one I liked the most {$1}:

My first button sample card {$2.00}:

Fire King bird cup {another example of my new-found thrifting zen…did I buy the whole set of 7, no – just the one for $1}:

Now here’s where things fell apart & restraint went out the window. I went to an estate sale on Sunday afternoon for the 75% discount & made the mistake of mentioning to the cashier that it was all I could do not to buy all the vintage aprons. She offered to sell me whatever was left for a good price…which is how I ended up with 31 aprons for $6:

Next time I will keep my mouth shut & not put myself in the way of such temptation!
I could only get the dog to model 7 of them before he couldn’t take it anymore – if you’d like to see them click here. I’ve created a new set on flickr & will post him in all 31 because, well, I really like putting aprons on my dog! Now what I’m going to do with them after that I don’t know…
Good job on the restraint, the bird cup is so cute! and who could pass up 31 aprons for $6?
the aprons were a steal! and your dog is a saint! i love the one with the black poodles!
You have such great luck with your thrifted finds (and a great eye) that I would like to suggest that you could open an Etsy store for those times when you just can't pass up 31(!) aprons for a steal, or as you minimize your collections. That way your little gems find new homes.
oh my goodness, lady - what finds! No amount of self discipline could keep me away from 31 aprons for 6 dollars.
Oooh, I'm drooling just looking at that bag of transfers...mmmmmmmm. If you have duplicates you want to offload, feel free to sell 'em to me hahah.
PS. I've got one of those FireKing bird mugs, the birdy on mine is orange.
WOWIE! I found some paint by number pics at the sale I went to on sat. and I immediately thought of you and jessie!
drooling over the aprons and transfers. can;t wait to see pics of both!
Wow, excellent finds (as always)! Seriously, passing on 31 aprons for six dollars isn't restraint; it's insanity. I think you did a great job!
31 for $6? You'd be crazy not to take them! :)
Well, I'm always looking for new things to do with my vintage aprons and this takes the cake! Don't know that my pooch would be quite as agreeable to it as yours looks! Great haul!
Love those transfers!
My husband took one look at those photos and said "That poor poor dog."
Way to go you! I noticed since I put myself on a budget I am finding it harder to find things that I find worth wild to buy!
(dont feel bad about the aprons who could pass that up!?!?!)
Holy Cow! Thirty one aprons? What a find, zen or no zen, you couldn't pass that up. If karma didn't want you to have them, the woman wouldn't have offered, or your money would have blown away in the wind, or something. they wree meant to be yours.
Katherine over @ http://donkey-dreams.blogspot.com/ is asking for donations of aprons for a fundraiser she is having at the end of June. It's to help raise money for her animal therapy program she runs.
LOL Aprons on the dog makes me laugh.
Sometimes it's better to just go ahead and buy them all, particularly when it makes the price that much better. In those situations I usually will sort out the ones I really like and freecycle the rest, sell the rest, give the rest away on the blog or donate the others to a charity.
(I buy big lots of ornaments all the time, but that doesn't mean I have to keep them all!)
I can't believe the amount of restraint you have shown - there are times when I can, but more often than not, I can't at all. The thing that stops me is lack of dough, or lack of stuff to buy - car boot sales here simply aren't in the same league! The horses are lovely, by the way x
31 vintage aprons!?!? I would have died on the floor in front of the cashier... That's a thrifting miracle!
Wow, you are doing a great restraint job. I would have had the full set of everything I could. Those aprons are beautiful! I can't even decide which I like best. And your dog is a real trooper and great model. I can't wait to see the rest. Thanks for sharing.
Awesome finds! I don't think I could restrain myself from many of those treasures. Can't wait to see those aprons too.
What great finds, I know what you mean about being selective about which sales to go to! I would not have been able to leave the aprons behind either! I am adding your blog to my list of blogs to read!!
What to do with your aprons? Wear them! :) That's what I do! What a great find for 6.00, I have to say...I am a tad jealous. I love vintage aprons.
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