Thanks everyone for your nice comments about the embroidered birch tree shadow box. I don’t know how to express in words how much it means to me that you took the time to comment here or on flickr. You’re so kind…
And I’m so thrilled with how many people have taken the owl color poll! I’m definitely going to do another poll of some kind again soon because it’s been so fun to get your feedback! It looks like orange & green are your favs right now…don’t agree, but haven't voted? Then vote!

Okay, I’m ready to get this weekend started! And if I could I would spend much of it curled up in a laundry basket full of clean clothes because it looks really comfy...

Happy weekend!
I know you decided not to devote every Friday to your pets, but I loved the description you gave of the boy cat when you first started out! You should do the same thing for the girl cat and the two dogs. :) I want to meet them, too!
What is it with cats and washing? Clean or dirty they love it! Boo is on my knee while I am typing and tryoing to chew my hand. I think she just wants to let you know that she agrees with me that the owl should be blue ...x
I must admit I'm a bit addicted to the sidebar polls too! They're fun :P
Oh how lovely to curl up on a pile of warm clothes fresh from the dryer... *swoon* :)
I vote white for your owl, with a little dry brushed blue.
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