For thrifted Monday this week I'm showing a corner of our home. This is a built-in sort of flower box thingy that is between the kitchen & living room, there’s a metal insert you can fill with dirt which you can sort of see under the fans. We’re not into a lot of plants inside since the cats like to chew on them and then randomly throw-up around the house.

The $3 clock is from a little church thrift shop we use to live down the street from. The kind that’s open for 4 hours one day a week, once in the morning for two hours and then again in the afternoon for 2 hours. I loved that place and the odd little ladies who worked there. It was in a garage next to the church. The fans were bought years ago and I can’t remember where or for how much but I’m sure it wasn’t much since we had even less money then.
The globe was $2 and was purchased this past summer at an estate sale. It is made of red plastic cups with a hole in the bottom of each from which protrudes a white christmas bulb. I figured this was some sort of a project one found in a magazine back in the day, which was confirmed when I saw this post at Cathy of California. We put this up at xmas time and have decided to leave it up because having a glowing red orb visible to your neighbors when the blinds are open at night will hopefully keep them away. This was, believe it or not, one of a pair. The other was made of clear plastic cups and multi-colored lights. That one has some condition issues and needs to be fixed before we can hang it up.
I really like finding homes for these kinds of crafts. I think most people would pass on them and it makes me sad to think of them put in the garbage after someone spent all that time to make it and then kept it for years.
On a completely unrelated note:
We watched “7 Brides for 7 Brothers” on Sunday and I’ve decided people don’t use the word abide enough anymore so I’m going to try to throw it into normal conversation from now on. For example…I can’t abide having stitcky gunk on my iron, can anyone recommend how to get it off? Seriously, soap and water didn’t work…its adhesive from an accident involving that paper you can run through your printer and then iron the image onto fabric. Except I ironed the wrong side…any help would be very much appreciated.
I watched that movie over the holidays. I love charming old flicks like that one. We should all certainly work to say abide more in daily life. As for your iron, I am not sure how to remove it. I try to use tin foil if I think it may slide around while I am ironing on fusible stuff as a preventative measure, but that won't really help you now...
I've used isopropyl alcohol to get gunk (melted acrylic felt) off my iron before. It worked with no ill effects to the iron and I rinsed it well so there wasn't anything left to transfer to my fabric. They sell iron cleaners too, but I've never tried those.
I'm really enjoying your blog!
any sort of alcohol based stuff will work. Meths, rubbing alcohol, isopropyl, nail polish remover as a pinch even. I've melted too many things onto irons in my life.
Hi! I just discovered your blog via Print and Pattern and I'm hooked! Your embroidery is wonderful and I'm enjoying all your lucky thrift finds! As for irons, I use a product you can get at the fabric store called "Iron Off" made by Dritz. It comes in a little tube and all you do is take an old cloth and squeeze a little of the goo onto it and then run your super hot iron over it and the gunk will come off in a few passes. It will smoke a little, but it works really well and for some reason, smells like warm sugar cookies (at least it did for me!). I've ironed the wrong side of interfacing a few too many times and this always works well. Good luck!
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