The vintage children’s illustrated tags seemed to be well received so I thought I would try to make another something for you. This is what I came up with:

Download PDF here
(reminder - these are for personal use only. Please don't sell them or include them in a kit, or attached to an item that will be sold - thank you!}
The flat postcards should fit a A4 envelope, if you’re so inclined. Although they could also have a hole punched in a corner and be used naked.
The round tags are so if you need a to/from tag as well as a card, you will have a matching set.
Let me know what you think about the postcard format. I was going to do a folded card but then I got all stressed-out about it and flat just seemed easier all the way around.
Last time, with the tags, I didn’t tell you that I use a heavyweight, matte paper to print stuff like this out on.
But that’s not all for today, here are some links for things I thought were interesting:
I love the embellishments on The Constant Gatherer’s wreaths & this & this stuff she featured. She finds really cool stuff so I check out her blog often, so should you!
creature comforts finds such interesting, inspiring things so I check her out often as well! {really it is amazing I get anything done…}
This sweet embroidery by confessions of a blueberry bandit, who also makes adorable softies
Now lets see if I can get this right… I found this cool flickr group via this post by alilovescurtis which led me to this post by poppytalk. Isn’t the internet wonderful?!
inspireco’s studio is so pretty!
Sweet bunny & butterflies at house on hill road
I want one of these décor-a-board birds BAD!
my paper crane’s wreath is an awesome way to herald the beginning of spring! {Click on blog at the top & then go to the post for Feb. 28th} She also does embroidery {check out Feb. 21st}, makes softies & cooks fun stuff…
AND – if you love Vogart embroidery transfer patterns then you will find this newly created database invaluable & you should send an email to floresita to thank her, because she is awesome!
Right now I don’t have plans to be back here this weekend. But you never know if I will find something online or at the thrift store that I need to share asap…
Have a wonderful weekend!
so cute. thanks!
the cutest! I love them! Thanks!
The postcards are great - I would love to be able to make things like that so for now I will have to be content appreciating yours! x
lots of fun links to check out! Thanks!
Thanks for the PDF! What a great use for such sweet vintage fabric (?) patterns.
Wow, lots of lovely links! Thank you!
Thanks for letting me know you liked the links & pdf, I'm so glad!
Sweetcheese, they are vintage, thrifted fabrics & since I don't sew, at least I can use them for something!
I love these Vintage Cardss...thanks for sharing!
Beautiful! I love the blue fabric! I'm a huge fan of the postcard format so I think these are great. Thanks os much, I'll be linking.
Thank you so much! I love them!!
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