Wednesday, March 11, 2009

1972 spring/summer McCall's needlework magazine


  1. I must make my husband the vest in the first picture. He will love me forever!

  2. I received a crocheted vest like the one in the top picture for a high school graduation present. It was in the style like the guy's, and it was solid navy, I wore it with navy slacks and a white shirt underneath. I thought I had it going on.

  3. The last two skirts are really cool. I was wondering if anyone ever took the time to knit those pant suits. lol. I never saw womans crochet pants before.

  4. Oh! I had a sweater vest like in the first picture back in grade school!

  5. If I had legs like that second shot, I'd make that self-satisfied look all the time too, haha!

  6. I wouldn't let a man kiss me if he was wearing that vest. Even if I was wearing one.

  7. Oh my! I feel ancient, ancient, ancient. I made the vest on the girl in the top picture when I was a freshman in high school and, horrors, I WORE it a lot. And everybody loved it! It was very fashionable in the 70's. Mine was black with a red and white flower. I probably looked like a black widow spider. I bet I still have the instructions.

  8. I actually like the striped dress in the second-to-last photo. The vests... not so much!

  9. Yep, my mom made that top picture vest for me in about 4th grade, mine was navy blue and light blue. I loved that! She also taught me how to crochet, and I made small squares, and used them for Barbie blankets! Good times!


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