Tuesday, March 10, 2009

warning: there is a photo of a 4 letter word in this post

I was in line ready to check out at one of my favorite thrift stores this past weekend, when I noticed two small bags of letters which I quickly grabbed to use for photos. I think the words I spelled out right away probably say more about me than I'd like to admit...

oh, I guess they're both four letter words...I was warning you about the second one.


  1. There's something fabulous about the bright, bright colors in that second one. ;)

  2. LOL - I really thought at first that you were warning us about the first one! :) Great photos, by the way!

  3. Your second pic reminds me of a time when I was playing musical hangman with my students. One of the words in the sentence was "BRASS," and I knew there was a chance of spelling the word "ass" if they picked both A and S, but I figured I'd go ahead anyway. Well wouldn't you know it, their first two letters were A and S!


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