Tuesday, January 27, 2009

dog 'stache

{inspired by something’s hiding in here}


  1. Your dog looks so dapper! Just got the latest issue of Craft and saw your embroidery mention! Congrats!

  2. that's one patient dog! That stache is tooooo cute!

  3. So cute! I wonder what my little one would look like with a handle bar!

  4. That is the coolest thing I've seen all day. I love your dog!

  5. LOVE IT! Keep the awesome Dog photos coming, please!!!

  6. your dog must love you sooooooooooo much to let you dress him/her up in all that silliness!

  7. I know that one shouldn't want a dog simply so that one can dress said dog in amusing costumes . . . but dang! That is uber-cute!


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