Monday, January 26, 2009

flower pins

proof that flickr is educational...

I bought this pin last summer at an estate sale:

recently I saw this on cathy of california’s flickr stream:

{photo used with permission}

I had no idea these were a fad – nor that Enid Collins made them.

so I checked the back of my pin:


while I had my flower pins out I took a couple more photos just for fun:

p.s. if I was in CA I would so be taking that class...sigh.


  1. score!! i had an ec bag that i adored even tho it was totally impractical & in bad shape.. seahorses :D
    now i will keep my eyes peeled for pins

  2. How did we ever get by without the internet? And I'm sure you know that vintage flower brooches are all the rage now because Michelle Obama favors them.

  3. HOLY SMOKES! What a find! That rocks! :)

  4. thanks for the shout out!


  5. I like the pin with the dots the best.

  6. Very cool find! Nice photos, too...they make me think of spring...ahh...can't wait for better weather!


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