Wednesday, January 28, 2009

1972 let yourself sew with simplicity


  1. wow, i am quite envious of that sewing capsule, i want one ;)

  2. i'm pretty jealous that you have this book & i don't. lucky!

  3. Say it isn't so....that we actually dressed like that in '72! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!

  4. my mouth really just FELL open at that elephant girl. And how cozy is that little sewing corner?

  5. I don't know which I like more, the sewing capsule or the purple shoes!

  6. A sewing capsule??!! How cool is that? Wouldn't it be neat if you could spin the whole thing around to hide your mess?

  7. love all of this! thanks for posting.

  8. Oh Dear !! Lovely to see all this again as long as one doesn't actually have to wear it !!!

  9. I am sooooooooooo rooting around in my closet for stuff from my "youth" that didn't get thrown away. I think I have those purple shoes somewhere.......... LOVE your blog, etsy, and flickr!


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