Thursday, January 29, 2009

thursday = embroidery

I've been busy working on a shop update:

{should be ready next week sometime, more to come about that...}

I keep forgetting to share this photo I snapped while at a stop light last time I was in Kansas City:

that's where Aunt Martha lives!

finally, I thought this might be a good time to post some embroidery designs for valentine's day so you can get a headstart if you're so inclined:

{these are from the cut & loose pile so don't know who made them...sorry}

happy stitching!


  1. You saw Aunt Martha's house!?!? LOL!

    Love that kitty Valentine! Thanks!

  2. Ooh! I Love that flower-y heart. Add it to the to-do pile!

  3. Did you wave to Aunt Martha?

    Thanks for the patterns!

  4. That Valentine Couple do not look happy at all. I love that. Thanks for these!

  5. I like this. Something unique to Valentines day instead of the flowers and card routine most people do.

    -Zane of ontario honey

  6. I love the kitty heart and the flower heart. Could you give me some tips on what stitches to use? I'm sure most people could figure it out, but I have never done any embroidery projects before, and wouldn't know where to begin. I would really like a stitch guide for them.


thank you so much for stopping by & leaving a comment - they totally make my day! I try to answer questions but unless you have setup your profile to provide your email, or included it in your comment I won't be able to reply to you directly, so I will leave it in the comments :)