Wednesday, August 26, 2009

what makes a shadow?

publisher: scholastic book services
copyright: 1962


  1. Great illustrations! Such a treasure. Too bad this book will be banned from libraries and used book sellers because of CPSIA!

  2. Such a neat book. I love the colors!

  3. I can certainly see why this appealed to you -- fabulous graphics with great colors and a very interesting subject. I've never seen anything like it.

  4. I just got inspired by your post and found this book, 1st printing, at eBay and ordered it immediately. I love the illustrations - thanks for introducing me to Adrienne Adams!
    Greetings from Cologne, Germany!

  5. Great illustrations....when I looked back to see the name of the illustrator was Adrienne Adams I was not surprised. Adrienne Adams is one of my very favourite illustrators. I have a copy of Cabbage Moon from the 1960's which was my first introduction to Adrienne's illustrations. I always loved that book almost soley due to the illustrations as a child. I now read that book to my son and still enjoy the pictures:) I had not seen this set of illustrations yet thanks very much! Such a great illustrator!

  6. This is stunning! Some very fun illustrations.

  7. oh I love this book! Unfortunately though you've just made it my life's mission to hunt it down and own it's prettiness for myself (hope I am as lucky as lucylawless!)

  8. I'm so happy that several of you discovered a new illustrator & book through my post...that's exactly what I love about blogging :)

    thank you so much for sharing all your comments with me everyone - I really enjoy them & appreciate you taking the time to leave them!


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