Tuesday, August 25, 2009

recently thrifted

it seems the old adage "when it rains, it pours" applies to thrifting clocks...

yes - I finally found a black forest clock! it's very small & needs some tlc...but I love the girl on the swing :)


  1. The black forest clock is beautiful! I love red and white string that the swing is made out of.

  2. I love that little flip clock. I had clock radio with this same technology and I used to love the sound the numbers made when they flipped.

    The girl on the swing is so cute, but really....your stitched clock is the best.

  3. The first one is my favorite, but I have to admit, I do love that little girl on the swing!

  4. The black forest clock is my favorite. Great find!

  5. i am so coveting the black forest clock...so coveting...

  6. That is the best clock. The forest clock is amazing.

  7. Great clocks! I like them all but the flip is my favorite.

  8. You do thrift very successfully ! Love that second clock , though the girl on the swing is very fetching too ..
    Meanwhile I'm still giggling about "The Excitement Of Hairpin Lace ".

  9. Such a nice clock! I'm thinking of putting one on my birthday list from my husband:)
    Haven't been lucky enough to find a vintage one, but for all those of you that want to buy something similar, I found one at www.desprookjeskame.nl
    A fantastic little shop in Amsterdam, and they do mail order :)

  10. I love these! Thank you for sharing. They made my morning :)

  11. I'm so glad you all enjoyed the clocks!

  12. I love your blog!
    If you don't mind I'm gonna post smthg about you!

  13. I have the first clock right here in my desk!! my ex bought it in germany, i love ittttt! *^.^*


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