Wednesday, August 12, 2009

maybe its just me…

but I really don’t think it was necessary to make taxidermy mounts out of these poor women just to display some knitting projects:


  1. Off with their heads!!

    You're right... it is pretty creepy!

    "Hey, buy our patterns... OR ELSE!"

  2. I go on a rant about how women aren't objects...

    That last sweater is fabulous. Even the color would be great for me.

  3. Oh you're right. It's creepy! Beautiful designs though...

  4. there is one alternative we've overlooked, however.

    maybe they were some of the cast-off early prototype for Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. :o)

  5. 50s era photoshop...pretty up and coming for their time I'd say! Love the vintage though!

  6. eep, very creepy!!! it reminds me of one of the wizard of oz tales, or perhaps another story by frank baum, of the queen who had a cabinet of heads to wear!!!

  7. Texas Chainsaw Massacre! That is just downright creepy. Then they have the whole "I am a Stepford Wife" smile permanently etched on their face, ROFL!

  8. Too funny! They do look a little creepy!

  9. Oh my. This is awesome! You made my day.

  10. LOL! So freaky! The last one in the blue sweater is the best - she reaching up like "Get me outta here! AHHHHH! The wall is eating meeee!"

  11. :0) laughing out loud.
    The women really do look as if their heads & torsos are cut off by paper. Gives new meaning to "paper cut".


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