Tuesday, August 11, 2009


for a long, long time now I've been looking for something...anything...by raymond peynet while thrifting. this past weekend I finally found this vase at a church rummage sale for $1.00 - halleluiah!

one side:

other side:

his illustrations of "the lovers" are so sweet:

I'd really like to find the books someday...

{more about peynet here if you're interested}


  1. Ooo, thanks for sharing this artist. I have a set of mildly erotic Peynet playing cards that my grandparents brought back from France many years ago, and I never realized they were from a recognized artist, I just knew they were awesome!

  2. I've never heard of this artist and now I have someone I too want to discover while thrifting. Beautiful find!

  3. That's a darling vase -- what a wonderful find! I love Peynet -- I have thought of trying to embroider some of his illustrations.

  4. What a great find! That vase is priceless!
    I'm glad you are back from your vacation! Even though I don't know you personally. I love your blog!

  5. Amazing! You're so lucky! I search regularly for a Peynet scarf and fail miserably! Anyway, love your blog which I read regularly and keep up the great work!

  6. oh what a find! and its worth the endless searching i'll bet!

    i love seeing your finds (when i'm not being green with envy haha), keep up the great posts :)

  7. what a beautiful vase, so full of emotion, yet the drawings are simple and elegant


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