Monday, February 23, 2009

I like to think it's not weird...

that I got excited to find a box of barbie shoes at an estate sale this past weekend that I could use for photos:

or that the fact that there was also a little phone & piano in the box put me over the moon. I couldn't get my $1.00 out fast enough...

who am I kidding...its totally weird.


  1. weird? I think not, more like GENIUS...

  2. The first photo makes me think of a pair of fancy shoes left behind in a hotel ballroom, with the background pattern you've chosen. And I love the sneakers, and the phone. Ah, heck, I guess I'm weird too. ;)

  3. So NOT weird, I love them! I vividly remember playing with several pairs of the first set of shoes, in many colors. Loved those shoes :D

  4. not weird at ALL! i love barbie shoes, but that telephone! oh, the telephone! that's amazing! i love the detail!

  5. Skipper's red ballet flats? The pink pumps? Barbie's classic white heels? If loving them means you're weird, count me in.

  6. oh these are so fun! I love them! Way to think outside the box! :)


  7. it looks good on ya though. :-) you are cool.

  8. oh my dear goodness gracious!

    i think i've found my favoritest photos of the year!!

    i looooove these.

    great find, great photography, great blog.

    i am constantly amazed. keep it up! :D

  9. yeah i am with lemongrass studio. you are brilliant my dear girl

  10. ok, maybe it's a little weird. But only a tiny little bit, and you more than make up for that with your beautiful photos. I think Lemongrass had it right when she called you "GENIUS"

  11. Oh my gosh it's not weird at all. I love them, especially that little phone. I am always looking for vintage Barbie pieces. I am completely jealous, in a good way.

  12. No way, it's not weird! My friend always looks for Barbie shoes when out thrifting, actually! So you're not the only one :)

  13. Man, you are so lucky. I've looked for them for years, with no luck.

  14. I too must say I love the telephone! They are all wonderful!

  15. NOT WEIRD!!!!

    Those photos are beautiful and STINKIN' adorable!!! You had a vision and you went for it and I love it! Never feel that any creativity that comes out is weird! Never ever ever :)

  16. i was thinking those pictures would make wonderful greeting cards!

    what fun!

  17. Not weird at ALL. I love it! :)

  18. Consider submitting them to a magazine...or for a photography contest...they would TOTALLY win! Agree with Elizabeth, they would make great cards. Oh that we could all be such a creatve genius! Instead...I'll settle for the inspiration you provide!!

  19. I think the barbie shoes are fantastic! What a find.


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