Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Monday, December 29, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008

merry christmas!

{wishing you & yours a magical day}

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

thank you santa - part 3

4 vintage curtain panels that remind me of where I grew up:

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

thank you santa - part 2

can one have too many paint by numbers? I think not...

Monday, December 22, 2008

thank you santa

this past weekend there was a great estate sale...I wasn't expecting there'd be any, what with the cold temperatures & the holiday right around the corner but santa must have gotten my list after all!

it was difficult, but I managed to take a photo of these before I ripped off the tape to see what was there:

and what was there were three different types, all equally lovely:

and just for good measure:

{I'll just be sharing more photos of what I got at the sale & some other random ones I've taken recently over the next two weeks...just going to keep it easy & simple until next year.}

Saturday, December 20, 2008

I heart old navy

after seeing this post on creature comforts I knew that despite my adversion to the mall, I was going to have to stop by old navy friday night after work & get me some charles harper goodies. and that’s just what I did…

for me:

a xmas present for a sweet little boy:

and this made my stitchy heart go pitter patter very fast:

{black & white line drawings perfect for embroidery!}

Friday, December 19, 2008

xmas earrings

at an estate sale awhile ago I bought this very cute dish:

at the same estate sale I also bought a pair of vintage glass buttons which I turned into xmas earrings:

{I love how they look together}

I was very proud of myself when I figured out how to get around the the issue of that bump on the back of the buttons & thought I would share it with you:

{half of a toggle clasp from the jewelry making section of the craft store}

I tried to take a photo of me wearing them...this was the best I could do:

have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

thursday = embroidery

I am in denial.

Xmas is not next week.

Good, I’m glad that’s cleared up…

So, did anyone else read the Alicia Paulson interview over at plush you interviews and get all excited about the fact that her next book is all about embroidery?:

I did.

Other than that, all I’ve got embroidery wise are these designs from my cut & loose pile:

Happy stitching!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

wednesday = books

today's book is:

title: Hors D'oeuvres; Favorite Recipes from Embassy Kitchens
author{s}: the Women's Club of the U.S. Embassy, Tokyo
illustrator: Virginia Jacobs McLaughlin
copyright: 1959
publisher: Charles E. Tuttle Co.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

it makes me feel like little red riding hood

thrifted coat:

p.s. thanks for all the nice comments about the shop items - I’m so flattered that you liked them!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

more shameless etsy promotion {sorry!}

I had so much fun making these - I hope there will be a positive response to them so I have a reason to make more!

after I put these up in the shop tonight I'm going to get back to working on xmas gifts...I can't believe I have once again waited until the last minute to do all this stuff...when will I learn?!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

my ultimate thrifting score

I believe this might just be the best thing I have ever thrifted:

that there's a 1978, signed Charles Harper...and I am one lucky & grateful girl.

I got it last weekend at an estate sale for 60% off the original price.

the only thing that could make this story any better is if I had gotten there earlier & bought the other print they had as well.

but I'm not complaining...oh no...I'm looking at it & sending out a big thank you into the universe.

{p.s. have a great weekend & if you're interested in the shop update check back here Saturday for more info, although the actual update will be on Sunday}

Thursday, December 11, 2008

thursday = embroidery

I've got some WIP sneak peeks to share today of embroidered items that are going to be up in the shop this weekend:

I also wanted to direct you to a wonderful embroidered quilt that one of the visitors here made: q is for quilter

Martha contacted me awhile back offering to trade vintage fabric & coloring books for scans from one of the coloring books I had shared here. she sent me a box full of amazing treasures and then made a beautiful quilt with the scans I sent her - isn't it wonderful?!

and lastly, here is today's embroidery transfer:

if you go to my flickr embroidery transfer set you can get all 4 sample designs.

{happy stitching!}