after seeing
this post on creature comforts I knew that despite my adversion to the mall, I was going to have to stop by old navy friday night after work & get me some charles harper goodies. and that’s just what I did…
for me:

a xmas present for a sweet little boy:

and this made my stitchy heart go pitter patter very fast:

{black & white line drawings perfect for embroidery!}
My kids are off school but looks like I'll be dragging them with me to Old Navy on Monday. Thanks for the shopping tip!
I was just at Old Navy today and they didn't have them! They told me only the flag ship stores in cities such as Chicago and Minneapolis carry them. Hmmmph!
Amending my comment above, I called a few other mall stores in my area, and one of them DOES have the line! So, word to the wise, call ahead - some stores aren't carrying it!
Oooh, and at Old Navy? Great!
My coloring book is currently waiting patiently in my craft room for me to finish the holidays - as soon as Christmas is over I'll be diving into some embroidered versions of Charley Harper classics! I'm so in love with all of these goodies.
I bought to coloring book even before it was published and I'm planning some needlepoint from it.
In my needlepoint pile there is a Charley Harper painted canvas (Lady Luck) with the threads pulled, I'm making for my eldest daughter, who is another Charley HRPER FAN.
But I think I'm off to Old Navy tomorrow, at least ours isn't at the Mall.
Keep Stitching,
oh my goodness, as soon as we warm up to at least zero degrees, I'm heading out to Old Navy!
Why don't we have Old Navy, I loved it when I was in America
I picked up all the same things - on their website! I wish they had the shirts in adult sizes, oh well.
oh, i'm so going to my old navy today!
if any of you can't make it to the store you can always get them online :)
thanks for the tip g :)
thanks for the online info guys - hope that means everyone can get themselves some :)
*gasp* That stuff is amazing! I just looked online, and saw everything but the coloring book, which is what I'm really wanting for myself, so I'm headed over there tonight when Hubs gets off work. Either way, I think my 2 year old definitely needs that memory game. So sweet!
Oh, Why didnt I see this earlier! I am sure mine ON wouldn't have had them anyways...
dang! I totally saw the coloring book and didn't even THINK about the fact that I could use it for embroidery!!
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