Our Christmas Cactus has always given us a flower a year, but never more than one…until this year. It’s been very generous and we’re so happy to see it so healthy and happy!
I also thought I’d share something I did awhile ago but was reminded of recently when the Pottery Barn Kids catalog arrived the other day and I saw this:

This is my kind of “I could make that” item because it doesn’t require many supplies or a great deal of time. Plus they would make great gifts.
I, for instance, made this for my sister for her birthday last year:

I painted a wooden plaque from Michaels, used a sheet of patterned scrap-booking paper and printed the silhouette out from the computer onto heavyweight matte paper. I used modge-podge to put it all together and attached a coordinating ribbon on the back. Because I choose a fancy frame and wanted to get the shape just right I scanned the plaque into the computer and made a template to follow when cutting out the patterned paper.
I did a quick test first and I kept that one for myself:

If this inspires you to make one please send me a picture, I’d love to see!
Have a nice weekend…
i saw those in pottery barn kids too and thought the same thing. yours are great and i actually like them better than the pottery barn versions. much more personality!
I love these--you should make some like these! I made some of my dog in black-- but I really like these fun colors.
Those are lovely - I like the colouring you have used for them both. Just found your blog via Stitchy Britches - good luck with blogging - I love it although I don't often get as much time as I would like as I usually spend it crafting, or admiring other people's crafting!
My mom had a Christmas cactus when I was growing up and it too gave about 1 bloom per year. Yours looks much healthier than hers. I think she was frustrated with it and stuck it in some obscure corner of the house - plant neglect.
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