Monday, July 11, 2011

rings & a giveaway

while on the roadtrip I didn't thrift wasn't my plan to seek places out so I just left it to fate. but obviously fate didn't think I needed anymore crap because she really didn't put many places in my path & when she did they were either closed or there wasn't anything I liked. so in the end the only thing I bought were some stones at the wall drug rock shop which I turned into rings once home:

they only cost about a dollar each then I just added a little E6000 adhesive, a
ring blank & that's that...

and I bought an extra agate to giveaway as a little thank you for putting up with all those dang photos:

just leave a comment on this post & I will announce the winner on this friday's {the 15th} post.

p.s. the ring is adjustable & feel free to enter if you live outside the usa

p.s.s. the dog says good luck & do you see what I have to put up with?!:


  1. Pretty rings. Someday I hope to get to the Wall Drug store.

  2. I've loved your photos! And you're dog makes me smile!

  3. the stone rings rock.

  4. Those rings are gorgeous and my favorite colors. Looks like I'm going stone shopping this weekend!

  5. Love the photos.. and love rocks!! to this giveaway is right up my alley :D those rings look awesome! :D

  6. I loved all the photos! Makes me wish for a road trip of my own, and the rings are lovely!

  7. beautiful rings!! cute pics :)

  8. Ok, first of all, I can never get enough of your photos, they are amazing bits of eye candy. Secondly, great idea on the rings, super cute!
    The dog, however, always steals the show. Such a cutie!

  9. Ooh, pretty. And what a good dog.

  10. such gorgeous rings!! your dog makes me smile everytime I see those silly pics!

  11. I love the rings! (& the dog!)

  12. I love your blog, love the rings but the most important thing I have to say right now is the you have the most fantastic dog in the world. Love, love, love your ever-so-patient dog!

  13. Love your blog, and those rings are amazing!

  14. Those rings are gorgeous! Thank you for the chance to win one.

  15. Love the rings, and I love the glimpses at the dog!

  16. Love the seafoam one on top! Hope I win! x

  17. I loved your travel photos they give me a glimpse of the US that I might not otherwise see. And your dog..... it cracks me up how good natured and tolerant dog is.

    simmilucious at gmail dot com

  18. I love the rings! I also totally enjoyed the photos!

  19. How adorable!


  20. I love these rings! So pretty! I am totally jealous that you got to go to Wall Drug!

  21. I sometimes wonder if I don't read your blog just for the dog and cat pictures! Just Kidding! I read for your amazing thrifting ability!!

  22. are you kidding?? i loved all those dang photos...felt like i was on a much needed road trip just like the kind we used to take when i was a kid.

    all i'd need to remind me of the journey is a perfectly awesome handmade ring!

  23. I love all the stone accessories that are out right now, and yours are awesome!!

  24. Those rings are so cool! What a great idea. Thanks for giving one of them away!

  25. Just want to say I love your trip photos, and the rings are so cool. I've collected my share of rocks on trips... I still have a pink and brown polished agate from the Meteor Crater... purchased in 3rd grade!

    Monica Fullerton

  26. What lovely rings! I'm here via a link on a post from Make it Do blog and really happy to have a new blog to follow. Thanks for the chance to win!

  27. Whatever - they're awesome - happy to see your work. Thanks also for the chance to win one - so sweet!

  28. don't know if i am too late (work has been nuts and i haven't been able to check my blogs this week!)...but i would love to be entered. and your photos are always fabulous! no need to apologize. :)


thank you so much for stopping by & leaving a comment - they totally make my day! I try to answer questions but unless you have setup your profile to provide your email, or included it in your comment I won't be able to reply to you directly, so I will leave it in the comments :)