Friday, January 8, 2010

recently thrifted...sort of

while home visiting my family for the holidays I wasn't able go out to do any thrifting, but I still managed to thrift without leaving the house and bring back some things...

one of the horses from my childhood collection:

I bought this while I was in college I think, I totally forgot about it:

my mom asked me if I wouldn't like to have these, which have been in the living room cupboard for as long as I can remember...of course I said yes:

thrifted by my sister & given to me for xmas...

and the best part about thrifting at your mom's house - you don't have to feel bad going through the photos thinking how sad it is that someone's memories ended up for sale. this photo of me at disney in 1977 totally makes want to have a little deer of my very own :)

{have a wonderful weekend!}


  1. I would have to agree that this is the happiest sort of thrifting - vintage + a memory. Can't beat that.

  2. The cameras are great, and even better that they're from your family.

    I have that whole set of books and they are wonderful. I also have all of the separate patterns that came with each book, so if you don't have those and ever need one, just let me know.

  3. Wow! You are so lucky to have the whole Make It Yourself set. I only have #1;I commented on your new year's resolution post that I was looking at it for crochet instructions.

    So cool that your family is into, or at least gets, your style.

  4. Love this post. Thrifting family items is so much fun!!
    I completely agree with the sad feelings about other people's photos. I was thrifting the other day & opened the top drawer of a dresser and it was filled with old photos. It was eerie and sad to see all those smiling faces. At one time so important and now just discarded.
    My next thought was, "Who would BUY these?"

  5. Beautiful! I just tracked down and bought the Palomino Family Arabian Foal. I have so many regrets about selling all my Breyer horses when I was younger!

  6. What lovely treasures!!


  7. I finished a tea towel using one of your adorable transfers. I blogged about it, gave your blog a mention and a link as well as the flickr group. Come check it out. Thanks for sharing so many fab things with us!!

  8. Hi!I am wondering if your photo might have been taken at the Japanese Deer Farm rather than at Disney. I visited (and loved) the farm when I was in the area in the 70s.


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