you guys were all so nice & helpful sending the dog positive energy for his surgery...I was wondering if I couldn't bother you again to please do it for the little girl cat since she is having surgery today to remove some stones in her bladder? thank you - thank you - thank you!
Absolutely! Positive thoughts and many virtual pats being sent your way darling little kitty.
Many good thoughts going your way little girl kitty. :)
I wish it goes well! I have had cats done the same surgery, poor little cats!
Without a doubt! Sending you all my positive energy as is my own little baby cat!
Oh poor little puss! Best wishes for a safe surgery and fast healing!
Fast recovery, little kitty!
Hoping for a safe surgery and a speedy recovery!
Many good thoughts to your kitty! May she be back in her sleeping spot quickly!
lots of good, healing vibes...little girl cat looks like my little girl cat!
Positive energy zinging its' way to her! good luck!!
on it! Even told my two little hound doggies to send some good thoughts miss kitty's way . . . . .
awwww! of course! poor little kitty.... i hope things go well and that she will be back up -- well -- back *sleeping* again soon! ;o)
Your poor little kitten. Having lived with Kidney stones (and the removal), she has my utmost sympathy. Sending healing blessings for both of you.
Big love for kitteh, hope she's okay xx
it'll be okay.
I hope your kitty made it through her surgery. She looks a lot like my little furry friend.
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