Friday, December 18, 2009

vintage craft magazine month - day fourteen

you know you've gone a little overboard when the food is stenciled too:

copyright 1969 McCall's christmas make-it ideas

{have a lovley weekend!}


  1. No way! too Funny! They should have taken it right up that white blank wall that's just screaming for some attention. xoxo

  2. With everything stenciled - I'd afraid I'd get confused and eat a decoration!! This is a very dangerous post... :)

  3. hmmmmm. . . . . . . i've never stencilled bread before, nor have I ever EATEN stencilled bread before, and the grater votive candle holder, think i'll just chalk that one up to an unusual use of one's creativity. So enjoying these!

  4. Oh that is so cool. Love that photo. Great post!!!


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