Thursday, November 26, 2009

thursday = embroidery {& thanksgiving!}

I hope everyone has a wonderful day full of food, friends & family! I won't be with all the people I wish I could be with today...the people I'm so thankful to have in my life, so to them I just want to say I love you & I miss you but I will see you soon :)

thanksgiving or not, thursday on this blog wouldn't be the same without the weekly vintage embroidery transfer:

happy stitching!

p.s. yeah, I'm incorporating paint by numbers with embroidery again :) and I'm working on a shop update - more to come on that next week


  1. Whoa - I'm loving the paint by numbers+embroidery. Awesome!!!

  2. Those love birds are so stinkin cute!! Thanks!

    Did you paint the fabric in the Home Sweet Home hoop?

  3. this is great! love the home sweet home! i need to buy it from your shop. . and you need to charge more than $15, girl! (:

    fellow embroiderer.


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