and I assembled the holiday mantel:

I hadn't intended for the mantel to get all christmas-y when I started by hanging the little $4 quilt I found at an estate sale recently...but it just sort of happened. I'm not sure I'm completely satisified with how it looks...but I'm too lazy to try anything else right now.
I also played hide & go seek with a thrifted quilt - more about that tomorrow.
Since you aren't really happy about the mantel, one suggestion is to put one of those batting tree skirts scrunched around the trees and houses. I usually cut mine to sorta fit around all the trees and houses, like snow on the ground.
Of course it goes without saying that a rope of pine would look lovely attached to the sides and front of the mantel, adding some hanging ornaments would also add a very nice look. BarbM
I think I'm going to do some tea dying this week too! Let us know how it goes! Also, the pillow from your thursday post is beyond cute.
i'd gotten out of my blog reading habbit when i'd changed jobs, and my computer ate all my links, but i'm glad flickr reminded me of you - so thanks for the nudge towards accepting that yule is definately round the corner. so perhaps its time to finally put away the other samhein decorations and cook the pumpkins...
Oh I love the mantel - looks awesome! That kind of what happened to me when I repaired my wreath. Didn't mean to go all Christmasy, but it happened!
I love it! Very unique:)
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