Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I heart fabric

especially vintage fabric...which kim over at the very cool true up blog asked me some questions about as part of her vintage fabric collector series. I was very flattered to be included & hope I don't sound too dorky or boring :)

if you'd like to see some of my fabric collection check out this flickr set and if you're visiting the blog for the first time from the interview - welcome!


  1. Ohhhhhhhh jealous. I found some good pieces this weekend.

  2. Wow! I don't think I ever realized just how awesome your fabric collection is. That Flickr set is droolworthy!

  3. I loved the interview. Great job. I too love your fabric collection. Your fabric collection puts my moms to shame.

    -Zane of ontario honey


thank you so much for stopping by & leaving a comment - they totally make my day! I try to answer questions but unless you have setup your profile to provide your email, or included it in your comment I won't be able to reply to you directly, so I will leave it in the comments :)