Thursday, October 1, 2009

thursday = embroidery

I made this for my friend & her husband whose little boy had a birthday. in addition to getting the little guy a gift I thought it would be nice to make something for his parents...

and of course, here's this week's vintage embroidery design:

happy stitching!


  1. What a beautiful idea to embroider a child's hand print! I love it.

  2. That is a fantastic gift and idea!!!

    Thanks for the adorable kittens too.

  3. I'm sure his parents will hold on to that for embroidery for years. That's such a sweet gift. And thanks for the cute kitty patterns!

  4. I did this on a sweatshirt for my mom with my kids' hand prints.

    Love the kitties, too! I found you via craftig, and I am glad!


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