Monday, October 5, 2009

road trip to kinsley, ks - part 1

national center for carnival heritage + an old shoebox theater + little towns along the way = lots of photos.


  1. Love your photos. I live in North-eastern KS---which part do you live in? Awesome stuff!

  2. I read 'Water for Elephants' during the summer and your photos remind me of the time it was written, during the depression when US circuses were being bought and sold or disbanded. I've got a Taschen Circus book on my amazon list but it's HUGE so not sure I'll ever justify the cost or the space to store it...

  3. These pictures blow me away. Simply beautiful!

  4. thank you everyone - i'm so happy you like the photos :)

    I read that book this summer too countrymummy & I loved it! maybe the look of the photos had something to do with that...

    we live in south central KS disillusioned!


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