Monday, October 12, 2009

recently thrifted


  1. I love the little camper! How adorable! : )

  2. That camper had my heart right away too! What a lucky find.

  3. Yes , I want the camper too might get ugly soon !

  4. Bwahahahahaha! I still have all my Matchbox cars - in beautiful condition cause I didn't wreck 'em like my little brother.


    I have that camper!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love the other stuff you found too.

  5. Wow great camera finds! I can never find any that still work.

  6. Okay, I have been enjoying your blog immensely!!! and then I just came across the RED WALL CLOCK AND THE KODAK CAMERA picture...and I had the stongest memories and emotions that hit me!!! I grew up with this clock on my wall and almost all my pictures in my youth were taken with this camera which I think my mom who is 82.5yrs old still has! I love your pictures, and thank you also for the embroidery patterns. I am going to make them and use them in a special quilt. Thanks you your sharing these things.


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