Friday, October 16, 2009

more thrifted fisher-price toys

and just in case you were curious, this year's hallmark fisher price ornaments are...

the chatter telephone:

and the school bus:

{have a great weekend!}


  1. I already got the "chatter telephone"!
    love the new pics. . . as usual. . . full of delight and nostalgia :)

  2. Love it!!

    Can't wait to find the ornaments; thanks for the heads-up!

  3. Ah, the chatter telephone. It makes me laugh to see this new in stores as part of the "vintage" toy section, since I had the "real" thing when I was a kid. ;)

  4. I look at these and just see happiness. Pure, sweet happiness. :)

  5. Hey, where do you live? My local thrift had some of those same toys this week! Wonder if you live near me!

  6. Thankfully my mother saves everything of mine! Next time I'm home, I'll dig out my old FP phone, castle, hotel and house boat. I can't believe I've forgotten about them!

  7. My children - both now over thirty - loved all their Fisher price toys, except the desk!

    The record players they had still exist with all the records and the doctors outfits with all the bits!

  8. Oh, how I love those things! They bring back such pleasant memories!

  9. WHAT?WHO?WHERE? Hallmark is putting out vintage Fisher Price toy ornaments, thank God for this oh so informative blog post or I might have missed them. They would be perfect to add to my collection. By the way very jealous of your thrift store scores.

  10. Wow! what a nice bog it's really amazing, if you want to know about fisher price building toys then check it.


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