Wednesday, September 2, 2009

sept. marie claire idees


  1. I am so looking forward to getting this magazine. My mum is going to bring it back from sunny France next week for me. I managed to get the summer edition on holiday and saw the release date was end August. Gorgeous fungi!

  2. Do you have a subscription to MCI? I just got one through Amazon, and I should have read the reviews. The readers were not getting their magazines in a timely manner. I did hear however that if you order it directly from MCI it is much better. I'm giving up hope on the one from amazon and wanted some feedback if you did it direct.

  3. what a nice mom you have countrymummy!

    I have a subscription through amazon elizabeth - this is my second year doing it with them & I've only had one missed issue. I didn't realize you could order directly from them...I wonder if there is a difference in the cost?

    when I had my problem with the missed issue I called the amazon magazine express customer service people at 1.800.772.8574 & they got it all taken care of. you'll need to give them your amazon order # which came in the email they sent you when you purchased your subscription. good luck & hope you get it worked out :)

  4. fun fungi finds! I sent you a few e-mails but then they started to fail going through. Is your e-mail full? I think my first one went through with the message on it? Let me know if you have any clue what is going on. Weird that my flickr mail hasn't been working all day as well

    Chelsea Ann

  5. I LOVE those mushrooms and how they are displayed. Really neat.

  6. I'm enjoying my MCI! My subscription is through Amazon, too. I'm on my second year and I haven't had a problem with it yet. (And in fact, it's thanks to you I knew where to subscribe!)


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