Wednesday, August 19, 2009

equal opportunity decapitation

at least they didn't just do it to the girls...

{from "discover the excitement of hairpin lace" - book 17600 - published by c.j. bates & son}


  1. Are these patterns for costumes of for real? Even in the 70s or whenever were they for real? Can't picture it!

  2. Boy, would these ever look nice with one of those knitted sweater vests you posted a while back! ; )

    Just kidding! Actually, the first thing I thought of was Dr. Suess...I don't know why!

  3. Laura's right --these ties are very Seusslike. I can't believe any man would have worn a granny square tie (even in the 70's), or that enormous knitted ascot, but I kind of like the striped tie.

  4. Oh, for pity's sake! They're all out of order. They should be: Tom Harry Dick.



  5. Your posts just make me laugh. Those poor models I guess they needed money desperately. If I told my hubby to wear those he would leave me. We are deeply in love, lol.

  6. believe it or not, my dad actually had uncles named tom, dick and harry... although i think they had bodies, so this probably isn't them.

  7. Look at that granny square tie! Crochet a matching granny square blanket for the man in your life today.

  8. Somehow I don't think these will show up on "Madmen" any time soon.


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