I suggested we come up with some kind of sob story about how she needs money to encourage pity purchases but she refused! she told me to just tell everyone the truth, which is that as she's gotten older & had to slow down {happily she recognizes that continuing to roller skate at 83 has its hazards} she's found herself enjoying knitting more than ever. and although I would prefer she only knit things for me to wear, her favorite things to knit are for babies. but there aren't really that many babies in our family - so I suggested we try selling the surplus on etsy.
so there you have it...I believe I've accidentally started my very own sweatshop. now buy the sweaters or the old lady gets it!

also today I wanted to thank some of the nice people who've mentioned my work on their blogs recently. I hope you'll follow the links & maybe discover something new!
the lovely ez of creature comforts and sweet katie of the constant gatherer both did wonderful posts to announce my prints making their debut on etsy. I am seriously humbled to be included on blogs that feature such beautiful work!
I almost fainted when I saw that my lowly embroidery naked tote was mentioned on the sublime stitching blog by jenny hart herself!
I did faint when pam asked the dog & I to do interviews for her blog! {who knew I could get just as anxious virtually talking about myself as I do in real life?} jack’s is here & mine is here.
I love that Alison posted photos of the print she bought from me on her blog so I could see it in its new home! I think it looks very happy there :)
jaime is another print customer who is not only very nice but also happens to be a writer who very generously wrote about my work on the Australian blog babyology after she used some of my photos to decorate her home. it still floors me people actually buy my work to hang in their homes...I find it insanely flattering!
my images were #’s 2 & 3 on the very adorable elsie’s {I wish so bad that I was as photogenic as this girl} recent 10 things I love sunday and oh how bad do I want #1!
I’m honored that rachel thought my ribbons were beautiful enough to include on her perfectly named blog smile and wave. btw – she scores really great vintage finds so you should check out her etsy shop!
I also really like the name of christy’s blog dandy bread & candy, but not just because she mentioned my photos…I just honestly think we don’t use the word dandy enough in general conversation anymore!
the fine people over at bees & trees {seriously, how do people come up with such great blog names?!} included not one but two of my photos in their etsy treasuries! I am so not worthy…
And finally {yeah, I know sorry…this got kind of out of hand!} bri over at craft begins has so many great finds, I was honored to be included in a Friday favorites :)
have a lovely weekend!
Oh hey thanks for the shoutout! Your stuff is really nice. And that sweater is adorable. I'd try to save the old lady, but no kids here either! :)
Your mother's baby sweaters are darling! I am off to check out her shop.
Those little sweaters are just precious!
Wow, so many great things happening for you right now. Congrats!
What sweet sweaters. Your sweatshop/old lady comment made me laugh!
Keep your mother hard at work , she makes lovely sweaters !
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