Wednesday, July 15, 2009

dye-ing to try something

lately, I have this urge to dye my hair.

it all started with danielle’s photo:

and then I found this ad in one of my vintage craft magazines:

I've got a two year old's birthday party coming up soon. seems like if someone were going to do something like this, a party would be a good excuse...


  1. You totally should. i have never once regretted a hair dying binge (okay, once, but that had less to do with the color and more to do with the fact I dyed my forehead, too). It can totally change your outlook and give you a little kick!

  2. The good thing about dying hair is you can also change it when you get bored. I saw have fun and go for it!!

  3. You should do it! I had all sorts of colours back in the day... I'm too chicken to do it now, but the desire is stil there.

  4. how pretty! I wish I could dye my hair a lovely deep plum color....

  5. Do it! -- It's so Kim Novak in Vertigo -- love that color.

  6. you have such an adorable blog! the blue yarn hair is too cute.

  7. Wow, go for it! Love those images!

  8. I love dying my hair! I actually have almost that exact color right now. It was darker before swimming a few times, but I still like it. I say go for it!


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