Monday, June 22, 2009

the random number generator has spoken...

but first, I can't do a post without a photo:

okay, here we go...

winner 1 is comment #60:

congratulations ann - the sprinkles bag is all yours!

winner 2 is comment #59:

congratulations mimi - you're getting the thrift bag!

winner 3 is comment #77:

congrautlations locathecat - its the cross stitch naked bag for you!

winner 4 is comment #38:

congratulations alyssa - the embroidery naked bag it is!

as always I wish everyone could win!

hopefully the second best thing will be that soon the totes will be available in the shop...that's the next big thing on my to do list so watch for more information coming soon :)

{winners please email me your shipping addresses}


  1. oh my gosh!!! i can't believe i won! i am actually glad i won the embroider bag, instead of the thrift bag.. i kinda changed my mind after i posted my comment! i guess it was fate! i keep trying to email you with my info but it won't work! what should i do?

  2. Woohoo!! You are so wonderfully generous. I can't wait to start using my cross-stitch naked bag. :) Thank you!!


thank you so much for stopping by & leaving a comment - they totally make my day! I try to answer questions but unless you have setup your profile to provide your email, or included it in your comment I won't be able to reply to you directly, so I will leave it in the comments :)