Wednesday, June 24, 2009


silk screen printed greeting cards from the thrift store:

{I can't make out the copyright date but they were made by SCM allied paper}


  1. eeee! those boots in the last one!!!!

  2. Aack! They make my head spin--they are wonderful and strange!

  3. OMG -- I love the first two cards (they remind me of my youth), but that last one is a little creepy. Once again, I am amazed at the stuff you find.

  4. This is what inspiration is about - not the thing itself, but what it could lead too (I think the color combos are really interesting and fun).

  5. In the seventies, I would have had the biggest crush on that groovy dude on the first card!

  6. That one with the blue hair is amazing!

  7. Love these! Any crafty plans for them?


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