Monday, June 1, 2009

bowling alley photos

saturday I went to an auction

{I've got more photos on flickr if you’re interested}

p.s. I got that shopping cart full of letters!


  1. those are great photos! I love the colours :)

    have a nice day

  2. It's a little sad about the demise of the bowling alley though! We love old school bowling alleys, so much fun.

  3. Really like the bowling alley photos and I'm so curious about what you have in mind for that shopping cart full of letters.

  4. This makes me feel so nostalgic.

  5. Wichita! What is up with you? Joyland? Gone! Rose Bowl West? Gone! Please tell me that Carousel, the skating place is still there. *sigh*

  6. These are awesome. I'm not even sure I could pick a favorite, but I really do like the stacks of chairs.

  7. awesome photos. jealous that you got al those letters!

  8. Can't WAIT to see what you do with the letters! Great photos - took me right back to my childhood!

  9. What could be more fun than a bowling alley auction - boy am I jealous!! Congrats on winning the letters :) Georgeous pics, too!

  10. thanks everyone for your nice comments :) I honestly have NO idea what I'm going to do with all those letters...I just thought it was probably not a chance I would ever have again so I had to go for it!

    it was sad Sarah & Jack...

    the carousel was actually right down the street from the bowling alley so I know what you're referring to Hannita. I can't be sure its still open but I at least know the sign is still there...


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