Tuesday, May 26, 2009

weekend photos

p.s. I used the pioneer woman’s 70's action {found via posie gets cozy} on these photos.


  1. Would you ever entertain the idea of selling prints? I really really REALLY love the last photograph. :-)

  2. Gorgeous! The bird is my favorite! Despite their little slogan on the sign, Dog N Shake does not sound good to me! : )

  3. Like Meaghan suggested, would you ever fancy a thought to sell the Dog n Shake photo in your etsy.com shop? my dad and i are collectors of photos of silly signs...it would make a great gift for signage geeks like us.

  4. Another one who wants your prints but I actually want the truck one!

    I also love some of your series from your thrift store trips!

  5. Your photos are so great! Not too sure about that 70's action though - heavens I hated the 70's. The hair the clothes the music ALL of it. Although the 80's may have been worse. *snort*

  6. What gorgeous images. I feel like I am a happy, technicolor movie. So pretty and carefree!

  7. Dog & Shake sounds delicious to me! Great photos!

  8. You are just so good! I love looking at your blog, I am so drawn to your color, your compositions and your pretty simplicity! You are so good! Oh, I already said that. How do you see this many great shots in one day?

  9. geez, louise!
    you can snap a shot like nobody's business!

  10. He he. Dog N Shake. Not exactly culinary delight that place. I wonder if it is only a Kansas thing. : )


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