Thursday, May 7, 2009

thursday = embroidery

I found some big blue children's needles at joann's the other day & did this quick project using one of them:

I was inspired by this stitching instruction visual on one of the transfers I was scanning:

and what would thursday be without a vintage embroidery sample?! this week its 3 selections from Superior #169:

happy stitching!


  1. I used those big plastic needles with my Brownie Girl Scouts a few years back, I never thought of trying them myself, fun!

  2. Oh ! I love your idea and the rendering is perfect !
    x x x

  3. Oh, man! Those big plastic needles bring back memories! I LOVE your running stitch project. Too cool! You always have the best ideas! I am officially your groupie! ; )

  4. It's cute, and very clever. I have lots of those needles around for stitching involved with my knitting/crochet. I never thought to use them like this!

  5. that's awesome, i hope you hang it up somewhere!

  6. You've reminded me that I have been meaning to pick up one of those needles for the Jack attack. Good to see it works!

  7. You just come up with the best ideas - I love your running stitch project! I have those instructions all over my vintage patterns too. NEVER thought to use them like that. How neat!
    Thanks for the embroideries too, so so sweet! I really got away from hand embroidery when I got my machine, but I'm getting back into it now and these are on my list to do!

  8. i love those patterns! sooo cute!

    love your blog, it is very neat!


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