Thursday, April 2, 2009

thursday = embroidery

I'm hoping to have a finished project to show you soon...until then here's this week's patterns:

{happy stitching!}


  1. Thank you! I'm going to have to stitch that horse out on something for my aunt - she loves horses, and took me for my first ride when I was 5. I'll never forget riding the trail with our guide, who had a huge rifle in case of bear. I was just a WEE bit nervous, lol.
    The birds will have to go on something for me. I'm so loving birds right now - got a good case of spring fever! Thank you hon!

  2. Oh! That horse will be a great fit for a sky blue tee I found (hiding in my scrap bag) that's just the right size for my little nephew, whose adores horses.

  3. Ooh, I always look forward to your embroidery projects! Thanks for sharing these patterns, both are so cute. Can't wait to stitch that horse!

  4. ooh!
    i love both patterns, but i think that horse is too handsome and irresistible ;)

  5. Oh, a horsey pattern! Thanks so much. It's so precious I might even give this embroidery thing a try. :)

  6. OH!!!!Thanks for the horse I hope I can have it done in time for my daughter's Birthday, she is having a horse Party! She loves horses.

  7. I am totally loving that horse! Thanks so much for sharing these, I'll be linking.

  8. never done this before but I think it is going to be wonderfully fun! THANKS SWEETIE!


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