Saturday, March 28, 2009

a walking cliché

today I turn 40 & got a tattoo:

{photo by jill mcdonald - tattoo by jason}


  1. Sounds like a great way to celebrate! You'll need another one for your 50th.

  2. I got my first at 35, now at 41, I have three. They're addictive!!!

  3. Happy Birthday! What kind of tatoo did you get, can't wait to see...

  4. Happy Birthday!

    I don't think it's cliche at all. I got my first tattoo at 20, and then got my nose pierced at 30. I keep saying, "one body modification per decade." ;) And I agree with mis3fantastic - they are very addictive. I doubt I'll wait until 40 to get my next one.

    Dying to know what you got ..... :)

  5. oooooh - just looked at the large version of the picture ... I spy a needle coming from that needle ....

  6. Hi - happy birthday! I wasn't brave enough to get a tattoo...I just started blogging at instead. I had the party and the treats but what I really wanted was a sparkly had to go on hold for a while. Maybe when I'm 45?

  7. happy belated birthday. what kind of tattoo did you get? i got one when i was 21 and don't think they are addictive at all. but that is just me!

  8. Oooh, sounds familiar. I just turned 41 (March 19), and got my nose pierced.

  9. Happy Happy Birthday!!! I'm not brave enough for a tattoo - I figured a blog is enough excitement for my 50th, lol. Can't wait to see the finished pic!

  10. oh, happy belated, sweet G!!! Your birthday is smack dab in the middle of my husband's and my mom's.... eating lots of cake around here (hope you are, too)!

  11. Happy Birthday, G! Hope you had a great day! My birthday is in just a couple of weeks. I should've known you were you an Aries, since I love your brain so much. <3

    Oh, and I am hoping to treat myself to a new tattoo after the new baby is born!

  12. Happy belated birthday dear! I can't wait to see the finished product!

  13. Happy Belated Birthday! Remember...the best is (always) yet to come!

  14. hehe I just turned 50 and got my eyebrow pierced.


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