Sunday, February 8, 2009

a thank you cupcake...

for these three sweet blogs who mentioned my vintage fabric postcard & tag pdf download last week:

one pretty thing

oh hello friend

design is mine

check them out if you're not already familiar with won't be disappointed, they're all very lovely & inspiring :)

p.s. don't forget, all my free pdf downloads are over there on the right...just click & you're all set!


  1. I was flipping through magazines yesterday and ran across some of your art featured (Make magazine, I think it was)and I had to look you your stuff, especially the pictures of the little toys...I've collected little toys from quarter machines for a long time and I love seeing what other folks have...

  2. Aww, thanks so much for the shout-out! You have one of my favorite blogs (with the BEST photography!!) so this totally made my day. And I also discovered a new blog from this post-bonus!


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