Friday, January 9, 2009

tree of life

for my sister cill:

I used cotton perle floss and the chain stitch to fill in the tree & leaves. then felt for the circles & letters. {actually, the letters are that really stiff felt they have at michaels - I don't think I could have cut those out of regular, floppy felt.} I did a little stitching around the edge of the circles to give them more substance and texture. the whole piece is stretched over a wood frame for easy hanging.

i'm so happy with the way all the gifts I made this year came out but this one I was especially satisfied with since it was something different for me style-wise & I tried some new techniques.

have a lovely weekend!


  1. great piece!! your sister must be very happy.

  2. Wowza. This is gorgeous. Must have taken you forever!

  3. Wow, I like that heavy chain stitch a lot -- and the colors are great -- nice work!

  4. I just saw that stiff felt at Michael's and didn't think I would ever need it but great idea using it for letters. The tree looks great!

  5. Beyond Beautiful!
    How pretty and I Love the dots.

  6. This looks great! WHat a creative idea

  7. Beautiful - that is really well-done chain-stitching!

  8. Very cool! I love it!

  9. What a lovely present ! I especially like the colours you chose .

  10. I really like this.
    Lucky Cill.



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