Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I didn't think this would ever happen to me...but I've been bitten by the cross-stitch bug.

it started with these little 3" hoop initials I made as last-minute xmas gifts:


  1. That's so funny! I've found myself in the mood for cross stitch lately, too. I've even pulled an old WIP outta the closet. :)

    These are fantastic! Stitching on black has always been very challenging for me...lol.

  2. It is very addicting! There are so many cute patterns out there too. Have fun!

  3. thank you kristi and I agree, stitching on black is challenging...I put a white cloth on my lap while I do it so I can see the openings a little bit better. good luck with your wip :)

    it is addictive susanc - I wish someone had warned me!

  4. I wish I had the patience for cross stitch, my eyes get crossed with all that counting ;)

    the initials are great, and there have been so many cool nerdy cross stitches on craftster lately

  5. Those are so cute! I used to cross-stitch when I was a craft-crazy pre-teen... I'm itching to get back into it, there are so many inspiring pieces about right now!

  6. So cute! I used to do cross stitch when I was 12. I may have to try it again.
    Your marshmallows look yummy!

  7. Looks fabulous. I don't blame you for getting bite by the cross stitch bug- it all just looks so great. I love the black background used too.

  8. which font did you use for this?


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