{click on the images if you'd like to see them larger}
first, and I still can’t believe this one – I won the Baby Quilt contest on makebabystuff.com! I am seriously beside myself & feel like it’s a dream because I thought I stood no chance whatsoever!

secondly, my plastic doilie necklace {and my freckled chest} was featured on the Craftzine blog today {thank you Rachel!}.

moving on to embroidery related news since today is thursday:
I received the new uncommon goods catalog in the mail the other day & was once again struck by these embroidered items {plus how cool is that shadow box?!}:

I’d seen them in person years ago at a gift shop & started to design my own based on my hometown but abandoned the project at some point…I should pick it back up because it would be so cool if I could pull it off.
I have another peek at my current project for you:

I’m hoping I will be listing the first embroidered pattern collages in my etsy shop this weekend…
And finally {see, I told you there’d be a lot!} here’s this week’s embroidery transfer:

I found this at an estate sale last weekend & thought it was just about the funniest thing ever. As well as interesting because it was from a manufacturer I was unfamiliar with.

{The paper is scanning very badly so they need a lot of clean up…therefore right now I’ve only got one to share, but I plan to do the others & post them in the coming days.}
Well, that was a long post…thanks for sticking it out. Now I probably won’t have anything to write about tomorrow!
Congratulations! That quilt is beautiful and I'm so glad you won.
I love your embroidered patterns, too. Such a clever idea. :)
I really don't know why you are surprised-your creations are wonderful! Congrats!
I just got the Uncommon Goods catalog, and I was going to post the pic of that great shadow box too! :) Thanks for posting! xo
I love the quilt - congratulations!
Congratulations on your win! I just love those sheep. Sheep are big in this house. And I saw your necklace over on Craft. Yay! And I saw that catalog too. I want EVERYTHING in it, haha!
Hometown themed boxes is a great idea. Can't wait to see hat you come up with, as always!
too much creativity! I'm overwhelmed by your talents...Whew! You make the rest of us look like we're crafting with sledgehammers (ok,really just me, but I'm jealous!)
Congrats on the quilt win! It really is so beautiful!
Looooooorrrdddy! Those embroidered pattern models are *killing* me. I can't wait to see what else you are doing with them....
And it was my pleasure to feature your necklace (and cute freckles!) on the Craftzine site and the Target site. It's always been a favorite project of mine. :)
Whew, busy lady! Love the embroidered patterns.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That quilt is awesome, and you deserve to win! Thank you too for the embroidery - love the scotties!
Allie in MI
Congratulations, Gina! You deserve every second of recognition you get - that quilt was amazing!!! :)
And regarding the DuBarry transfers, dd you ever see a hilarious old black and white with Gene Kelly called DuBarry Was a Lady? It was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the name... :)
Yeah!! congrats! How fabulous!
That shadow box is so cool! Thanks for sharing!
nice blog.
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